Sunshades & Screening
Whether mounted vertically, horizontally or flush to the building surface, sunshade & screening grilles provide effective solar control, high levels of privacy and a smooth visual surface, while allowing maximum through-air benefits. Available in a range of sizes and finishes, they are a lightweight and cost effective solution for many residential, industrial & commercial applications.
Facade Applications
Steel grating is a hard wearing, secure and attractive option for areas that require maximum shading or ventilation with maximum strength. Grille can be manufactured into access doors, mounted using a variety of methods and finished in a range of colours. Placed as a skin over glazing, grille sunshading can blend seamlessly with other parts of a building development with minimal interuption, creating a minimal appearance.
Access Walkways & Balconies
In addition to the benefits outlined above, sunshade & screening grilles can also be engineered to provide effective access walkways and platforms, and high-level security options. This can be utilised for a variety of applications including secure plant room linings, roof access or external window cleaning.
Internal Ventilation
For large scale residential or commercial developments, aluminium grilles are the perfect solution for air-conditioning or ventilation air transfer. Able to be manufactured in a range of panel sizes & colours, these panels are lightweight, easy to install and require little maintenance.
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